10. Interjections for giving order to animals

(Imperative interjections)

10.1. Domestic fowls

10.2. Dogs

10.3. Cats

10.4. Goats and sheep

10.5. Bovines

In Laz, even imperative interjections (i. e. interjections for giving order to animals) vary according to the dialects. They are specific for each group of animals.


10.1. Domestic fowls

[to call]

(ÇM) P’riii ç’oç’oç’oç’o ! or P’riii ç’uç’uç’uç’u !

(FN) Brrrr ! (*) or P’t’fiii ç’uç’uç’u ! or P’riii !

(AH) Tvvffii !

(HP-Sarp) Prriye prriye !

(ÇX) Brrrje, brrrje ! (*)

(*) The graphy rrr represents the voiced bilabial trill, which is transcribed [B] with the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).

[to drive away]

(ÇM) Kşo !

(AŞ) Kşa ! or Kşi !

(FN) K’şa k’şa ! or Kşo !

(AH) Kşa kşa !

(ÇX) Kşa !

[to lead to the henhouse]

(ÇX) Nokşa !


10.2. Dogs

[to call]

(ÇM) K’uç’u k’uç’u k’uç’u ! (*)

(FN) K’ut’a k’ut’a !

(AH) Aa kuçukuçu ! (*)

(ÇX) K’uç’u k’uç’u k’uç’u ! (*)

(*) Close to the Turkish interjecion “kuçukuçu”.

[to drive away]

(ÇM) Oyşt !

(FN) T’it’ !

(AH) T’it’ t’it’ !

(ÇX) Tet !

[for ordering to attack]

(PZ) T’uks !

(ÇX) Aaa ksksks !


10.3. Cats

[to call]

(ÇM) K’ips k’ips !

(FN) Kiiips ! ou K’iiips ! ou Psipsipsi ! (*)

(AH) Kiiips ! ou Psipsi ! (*)

(ÇX) Pis pis pis ! (*)

(*) Close to the Turkish interjection “pisi pisi”.

[to drive away]

(ÇM) Pşit !

(AH) Pşiiitt !

(HP) 3’x’at !

(ÇX) 3xet !


10.4. Goats and sheep

[to call]

(ÇM) K’it k’it k’it !


10.5. Bovines


10.5.1. Cows

[to call]

(ÇM) Elahaa !

(FN) Elahaa ! or Yeelaha !

(AH) Aha aha nana !

(ÇX) Aaa peş peş peş !

[to drive away]

(ÇM) Heş ! and, more strongly, Huşşş !

(AH) Heşşş heşşş !

(ÇX) Heyşt !

[to calm down]

(ÇM) Hooo ha !

(ÇX) İsa isa isa !

[for the pairing, while hitting the back of the cow]

(PZ) Prrr prrr prrr ! (*)

(ÇX) Aaa ğulu ğulu ğulu !

(*) The graphy rrr represents the voiced bilabial trill, which is transcribed [B] with the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet).


10.5.2. Oxen

[to call]

(ÇM) Xoç xoç xoç !

(ÇX) Aaa ho ho ho !

[to drive away]

(ÇM) A xuca !

[to calm down]

(ÇX) Vooo ha, vooo ha, vooo ha !

[to lead in the fields on a slope]

(ÇX) Ze ! Up !

Çam ! Down !

Veykşa ! Turn !


10.5.3. Calves

[to call]

(ÇM) P’i3’i p’i3’i p’i3’i !

(ÇX) Aaa piti piti !

[to drive away]

(ÇX) P’t’ve !
