15. Verbal nouns and Verbal adjectives

15.1. Verbal nouns

15.2. Verbal nouns with privative prefix {u-}

(= privative participle)

15.3. Verbal adjectives

●●● Laz verbal nouns and verbal adjectives, observed in natural conversations, derive from actional verbs having perfective aspect and from evolutional verbs.

Further researches are necessary in order to see whether they can also derive spontaneously from other categories of verbs. (A certain number of Laz do not hesitate to forge forms that are not in use ......)


15.1. Verbal nouns

Verbal nouns may be preceded by preverb. But they do not express any mood, aspect, tense, person or number. They are never preceded by affirmation profix. The pre-stem is {ø-}.

Besides, verbal nouns do not express any opposition between transitivity and intransivity. (Let us not forget that the opposition between active and passive voices does dot exist in Laz.)

The same verbal noun oçilu means either to find (or finding) a wife for a man and to take (or taking) wife oneself and corrresponds to two verbs : içilen (= he takes wife) and oçilams (= he marries a man).


●●● There is no verbal noun corresponding to the verb on ~ ren « there is ; he is, she is, it is » (verbe of existence, verbe of presence, verb-copula).

The forms oyapu ~ ovapu ~ ox’vapu, which are given in some Laz-Turkish bilingual publications, are irrelevant with on ~ ren. They are verbal nouns deriving from the evolutional verb iyen ~ iven ~ ix’ven « he becomes ». The confusion may occur because the Turkish verb olmak means either « to be » and « to become ».

The Turkish verb olmak is hyperpolysemic. It means also « to happen ». From which another confusion occurs : some Laz take the form ox’opumu for the verbal noun of on ~ ren, whereas ox’opumu is verbal noun deriving from x’opun « (a thing hard to believe) happens ».

●●● With very few exceptions, there is no verbal noun corresponding to stative verbs.


●●● Verbal nouns are not the sole nouns deriving from verbs. See hereunder some examples.

olimbera (PZ) love < alimben he loves

oropa (FN)(AH) love < oroms he loves

xoropa (HP)(ÇX) love < xorops he loves

birapa (FN ~ ÇX) song < ibirs he sings

gognapa (ÇM) understanding < gognams he understands


15.1.1. Form

Formation :

A-1  (PZ ~ HP) preverb absence marker {o-} + stem (*) + {-u}

A-2 (PZ ~ HP) preverb + stem (*) + {-u}

ex. : oxunu (to set, to seat ; to sit down)

onciru (to put someone to bed ; to go to bed ; to sleep)

omç’imu (to rain)

   elaxunu (to set near ; to sit down near)

goxunu (to set all around ; to sit down all around)

meşk’axunu/ meşaxunu (to set in a horizontally deep place ; to sit down in a horizontally deep place)

B-1 (PZ ~ AŞ) preverb absence marker {o-} + stem (*) + {-a}

B-2 (PZ ~ AŞ) preverb + stem (*) + {-a}

ex. : olva (to go ; to go away)

molva (to come ; to arrive where the speaker is)

golva (to walk about ; to ramble)

C-1 (ÇX) preverb absence marker {ø-} + stem (*) + {-ua}

C-2 (ÇX) preverb + stem (*) + {-ua }

ex. : xtimua (to go ; to go away)

moxtimua (to come ; to arrive where the speaker is)

goxtimua (to walk about ; to ramble)

(*) The stem of verbal noun is generally identical to that of potential, impersonal and experiential moods of the corresponding verb. Verbs having polymorphic stem or multiple roots show some exceptions to this rule (→

The formation of B-1 and B-2 types concerns only the verbe ulun and its derivatives.


There are some homophonous morphemes having the form {o-}.

One of the pre-stem vowels (→ 11.6.5.)

One of the affirmation profixes ( 11.8.2.)

Preverb absence marker of verbal adjectives (→ 15.3.1.)

(FN)(AH)(HP) A preverb of rare use (→ 19.)


15.1.2. Use

Eminek şeyepe-muşi k’arxums. Mondo golvaşa idasen. (PZ-Cigetore)

« Emine is gathering her clothes. She is probably going to take a walk. »

Bere mektebişa olva kocagu. (ÇM-Ğvant)

« The child became habituated to go to school. » 

Oxvalu k’oçi coşk’iday. (ÇM-Ğvant)

« Coughing suffocates a man. »

Nanak beres xura obonu şeni 3’k’ari nok’idams. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« The mother is warming water to wash the body of her child. »

Xe obonu şeni beres 3’k’ari gelobams. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« He pours water to the child in order that [the child] washes his hands.”

Bere-çkimişi Lazuri osinapu mom3’ons. (FN-Ç’anapet)

«  I am pleased to [hear] my child speak Laz. »

Gyari oxaziru şeni babak da-çkimi ordoşe oxorişa elolapams. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« My father sends back my sister home early in order that she prepares the meal. »

Ogurguluz kogyoç’k’u. (FN)(AH)(HP)

« It begins to thunder. »

Osmanik k’inçi oiluşe idu. (AH)

« Osmani went to hunt birds. »

Axmetiz noğaşe gextimu do goxtimu dido k’ayi u3’ons. (AH-Lome)

« Ahmet is very pleased to go down to the shopping street and to walk about. »


15.2. Verbal nouns with privative prefix {u-} (= privative participle)

●●● See participles with privative prefix {u-}(→ 14.3.) having the same meaning.


15.2.1. Form

Without preverb

A {u-}+ stem + {-u}

B {u-}+ stem + {-a} (West) only ulun > ulva

C {u-}+ stem + {-ua} (ÇX)

With preverb

A {u-}+ preverb + stem + {-u}

B {u-}+ preverb + stem + {-a} (West) only verbs deriving from ulun

C {u-}+ preverb + stem + {-ua} (ÇX)

In western dialects, a supplementary suffix {-şi} may be superadded.

______________________________________________________________________ Examples of verbs having monomorphic stem

nç’arums/ ç’arums « he writes » unç’aru/ uç’aru [adj.] no written

[adv.] without writing

taxums « he breaks » utaxu [adj.] no broken

[adv.] without breaking

_____________________________________________________________________ Examples of verbs having polymorphic stem or multiple roots

ibgars « he weeps » ubgaru/ ubgarinu

iğams « he carries away » (PZ)(ÇM) uğmalu, (AŞ) ø, (FN) uğapu/ uğu

/imers (AH)(HP) uomalu (1), (ÇX) umalu

ikums/ ikoms « he does » (PZ ~ FN) uxenu

/ikips (HP)(ÇX) uxvenu

imxors « he eats » (PZ ~ AŞ) uşk’omu

/imxors/ impxors (FN) uç’k’omu

/ipxors (AH) uç’k’omu

/imxors (HP) uç’k’omu

/ç’k’omups (ÇX) uç’k’omu

it’urs « he says » (PZ ~ AŞ) uzit’u

/zop’ons (FN)(AH) utkvinu, (AH-Pilarget) ut’k’vinu

/tkumers/ tkumars (HP)(ÇX) utkvinu

no3’ers « he looks at » (PZ) u3’elimu/ u3’olimu

/no3’en (ÇM)(AŞ) u3’omilu

/o3’k’en/ o3’kers (FN ~ ÇX) u3’k’omilu

ulun « he goes » (PZ) ulvaşi (2), (ÇM) ø (3) (AŞ-Okorduleø

(FN ~ ÇX) uxtimu

mulun « he comes » (PZ) umolvaşi, (ÇM) ø (4)

(AŞ-Okordule) ø (5)

(FN ~ ÇX) umoxtimu

(1) special stem : √-omal-

(2) synonym : [p’i vidaşa etc]

(3) synonym : [var idaşa, p’ri idare etc]

(4) synonym : [va moxt’aşa, p’ri moxt’are etc]

(5) synonym : [umolveri]


15.2.2. Use

____________________________________________________________________ Adjectival use

Ut’axu makvali homomiği. (HP-Mak’rial)

« Bring to me no broken eggs. »

Uoxo3’onu k’oçi var-meganç’arasen. (FN-Ç’ennet)

« I wish that a man without understanding will not be in your fate. »

Nominalized use :

Obogeneşi bağu u3’k’omiluten dolibğen. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« The hut at Obogene falls into disrepair because of absence of maintenance. »

______________________________________________________________________ Adverbial use

Kva ut’axu komogağayna maxmaren. (ÇM-Ğvant)

« If you can bring stone without breaking it, I can use it. »

Makvali ut’axu o3xoneşa kyot’k’oçu. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« He threw an egg into the garret without breaking it. »

Makvali ut’axu homomiği. (HP-Mak’rial)

« Bring to me an egg without breaking it. »

Hek nca udodgu var iyen. Vana-ti dixa meyat’roxasen. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« It is not good that one does not plant trees there. Otherwise the land will slip. »

Nusak ont’uleşi gverdi uxaçku dut’alams. (AH-Lome)

« The daughter-in-law leaves half of the field without ploughing . »


15.3. Verbal adjectives

15.3.1. Form

15.3.2. Use

Verbal adjectives express obligation of an action. They can be attributive or predicative. They have no adverbal use. (*)

(*) In the “Altered document”, verbal adjectives are called wrongly « future participles ». What has no adverbal use is not participle according to our definition.


15.3.1. Form

Formation :

A (all dialects)

A-1. preverb absence marker {o-} + stem (1) + {-oni}

A-2. preverb + stem (1) + {-oni}

B (West), (East) verbal noun (2) + {-şi}

(1) The stem of verbal adjective is generally identical to that of potential, impersonal and experiential moods of the corresponding verb. Verbs having polymorphic stem or multiple roots show some exceptions to this rule. (

(2) Verbal nouns of dialects other than that of Çxala.


There are some homophonous morphemes having the form {o-}.

One of the pre-stem vowels (→ 11.6.5.)

One of the affirmation profix (→ 11.8.2.)

Preverb absence marker of verbal noun (→ 15.3.1.)

(FN)(AH)(HP) A preverb of rare use (→ 19.)

●●● Every adjective finishing by {-oni} is not verbal adjective. For example, uponi (in a perspiration) < upi (noun : sweat), oroponi (dear) < oropa (noun : love).

_____________________________________________________________________ Examples of verbal adjectives deriving from verbs with monomorph stem

nç’arums/ ç’arums « he writes » onç’aroni/ oç’aroni « which is to be written »

t’axums « he breaks » ot’axoni « which is to be broken »

_____________________________________________________________________ Examples of verbal adjectives deriving from verbs having polymorphic stem or multiple roots

ibgars « he weeps » obgaroni/ obgarinoni « which is to be mourned »

iğams « he brings » (PZ) oğmaloni, (ÇM) oğmaloni/ oğaponi, (AŞ) oğaponi,

(FN) oğaponi/ oğoni.

/imers (AH)(HP)(ÇX) omaloni

ikums « he does » (PZ)(ÇM)(AŞ) oxenoni, oxenuşi

/ikoms (FN)(AH) oxenoni

/ikips (HP)(ÇX) oxvenoni, oxvenuşi

imxors « heats» (PZ)(ÇM)(AŞ) oşk’omoni

/imxors/ impxors (FN) oç’k’omoni

/ipxors (AH) oç’k’omoni

/imxors (HP) oç’k’omoni

/ç’k’omups (ÇX) oç’k’omoni

no3’ers « he looks at » (PZ) me3’elimoni, me3’olimoni

/no3’en (ÇM)(AŞ) me3’omiloni

/o3’k’en/o3’k’ers (FN)(AH)(HP)(ÇX) o3’k’omiloni

ulun « he goes » (PZ)(ÇM)(AŞ) olvoni , olvaşi

(FN)(AH)(HP)(ÇX) oxtimoni

mulun « he comes » (PZ)(ÇM)(AŞ) molvoni, molvaşi

(FN)(AH)(HP)(ÇX) moxtimoni

it’urs « he says » (PZ)(ÇM)(AŞ) ozit’oni

/zop’ons (FN)(AH) otkvoni, (AH-Pilarget) ot’k’voni

/tkumers/tkumars (HP)(ÇX) otkvoni


15.3.2. Use

______________________________________________________________________ As attributive adjective

Obgarinoni dulya domağodey. (ÇM)

« We have met with an affair which makes us weep. »

Babak mjoli onk’anams. E3’akaçoni mutu var maz*iru. Fot’a e3’ebukaçare. (AH-Lome)

« My father shakes mulberry-tree. I have found nothing to be held under [the tree]. I am going to hold my apron.”

____________________________________________________________________________ As predicative adjective

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbal adjectives + on/ ren

Ğomaneri dulyape oxenoni vort’i do huşa va p’i. (ÇM)

« I was obliged to do yesterdays work. But I did not do yet. »

Çxomi p’ç’va şuk’ule xepe çxomi şuri gont’ay.  Xolo-ti xepe ombonuşi vor. (ÇM)

« After cooking fish, my hands smell fish. I have to wash again my hands. »

Dişk’a oğaponi bore. (AŞ)

« I have to carry wood. »

Ma ç’umani Ankaraşa oxtimoni bore. (FN-Ç’ennet)

« I have to go tomorrow to Ankara. »

Lazut’iz gyubre ek’abğoni bore. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« I have to give fertilizer to maze. »

Nçxomiş gyari p’işen doni xes nçxomiş şura malems. Xolo obononi bore. (FN-Sumla)

« Since I cooked a meal with fish, my hands smell fish. I have to wash them again. »

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Verbal adjective + iyen/ iven/ ix’ven

(PZ) olvoni viyer = olvaşi viyer »

« I find myself constrained to go »

Monk’a limxona yuk’i oğmaloni deviyi. (PZ-Cigetore)

« I have found myself constrained to carry a heavy burden of fern. »


Memapşa-i obgaroni viyer. (ÇM)

« When I am affected [by emotion] I cannot help weeping.”

(AŞ) oxenoni biyer = oxenuşi biyer (AŞ-Ok’ordule)

« I find myself constrained to do »

olvoni biyer = olvaşi biyer (Ortaalan + Ok’ordule)

« I find myself constrained to go »

Ham3’o İstanbolişa olvaşi biyer. (AŞ)

« This year I find muself constrained to go to Istanbul. »

(FN-Ç’anapet) oxenoni biyer

« I find myself constrained to do »

(FN-Sumla)(AH) oxenoni biver

« I find myself constrained to do »

oxtimoni biver

« I find myself constrained to go»

(HP) oxvenoni vix’ver = oxvenuşi vix’ver

« I find myself constrained to do »

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- verbal adjectibes + ayen/ aven/ ax’ven

-oni ayu/ -oni au/ -oni avu/ -oni axu

« is constrained to do something (but did not yet comply) »

(PZ-Apso) oxenoni mayu = oxenuşi mayu

olvoni mayu = olvaşi mayu

(ÇM) oxenoni mayu

olvoni mayu = olvaşi mayu

(AŞ-Ok’ordule) oxenoni mau = oxenuşi mau

olvoni mau = olvaşi mau

(FN-Ç’anapet) oxenoni mau

(FN-Sumla)(AH) oxenoni mavu

(HP-P’eronit) oxvenoni max’u = oxvenuşi max’u (I am constrained to do)

Ğomaneri dulyape andğa ç’umanişi oxenoni mayu do va p’i do komoft’i. (ÇM-Ğvant)

« I am constrained to do yesterdays works. But I came without having done them. »

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Averbal adjectives + uğun

(PZ-Apso) oxenoni miğun = oxenuşi miğun

« I have (something) to do »

olvoni miğun = olvaşi miğun

« There is (a place) where I have to go »

(ÇM) oxenoni miğun (= oxenuşi miğun)

(AŞ) oxenoni miğun = oxenuşi miğun

olvoni miğun = olvaşi miğun

Him m3xuli doxombu. Ek’vatuşi miğun. (AŞ-Ortaalan)

« This pear-tree is dead. I have to fell it. »

(AH) oxenoni miğun »

(HP) oxvenoni miğun = oxvenuşi miğun »

(ÇX) oxvenuşi miğun »

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Verbal adjectives + 3’opxums

Ğomamci na-mtu xoç’k’ak’alik livadepe var-oçinoni do3’opxu. (FN-Ç’anapet)

« The hail-stones that falled yesterday made the kitchen-garden unrecognizable. »

This is an example of verbal adjective which is preceded by the negation marker var-.
