8. Quotation particles

8.1. Postposed quotation particles

8.1.1. ma[2] (only in central dialects)

8.1.2. şo

8.1.3. ya 

8.2. Anteposed quotation particle

8.2.1. ki (*)

(*) < Turkish ki < Persian ki

Quotation particles are defined as follows in this study:

Postposed quotation particle = invariable word marking the end of quotation

Anteposed quotation particle = invariable word marking the biginning of quotation


8.1. Postposed quotation particles


8.1.1. ma[2] (PZ), (FN)(AH)(HP) I said, we said

The quotation particle ma[2], homophonous with the personal pronoun ma[1] (1)(I, me), indicates that the quoted speech belongs to the speaker(s) .

Instead of the particle ma[2], another quotation particle ya (→ 8.1.3.) is used in the dialects of Çamlıhemşin-Ardeşen.

(1) Except this chapter, the personal pronoun 1st person singular is noted simply “ma”.

The quotation particle ma[2] has three kinds of use.

[1] alone after quotation ;

[2] followed by the verbs zop’ons (say) or u3’umers (tell to somebody);

[3] followed by the conjunction do + other verbs than zop’ons and u3’umers.

The subject of verbs following the quotation particle ma[2] is always the 1st person.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone after quotation I said, we said, quoth I, quoth we

(A) Çku si “Mot mulur” ma. (FN)(AH) We told you, “Do not come.”

çku : personal pronoun (we, us)

si : personal pronoun (you)

mot mulur : mulun (venir) : prohibitive singular

ma : quotation particle

(B) “Toliz mu gağodu” ma şa “Berek gemçu” ya. (FN)

“What happened to your eyes ?”, quoth I. Then, “A child hurt me”, quoth he.

(I asked him, “What happened to your eyes ?” Then he replied “A child hurt me.” )

toliz : toli (eye) : locative

mu : interrogative pronoun (what)

gağodu (1) : ağoden (happen to somebody) : it happened to you

ma : quotation particle

şa (*) : coordinative conjunction

berek : bere (child) : ergative

gemçu (1) : geçams (hurt) : he hurt me

ya : quotation particle

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(*) (→ 7.3.)

(C) “Gale mot dopsum, oncğore yen” ma şa “Mitik komz*ira-na oncğore yen” ya. (FN)

I tell him, “Do not piss in the open air. It is a shame.”

Then he said, “If somebody see me, it will be a shame.”

gale : adverb of place and orientation (in the open air, ou3ide)

mot dopsum : (do)psums (piss, make water)(1) : prohibitive sg.

oncğore : (shame)

yen : copula : imperfective present tense 3. sg.

ma : quotation particle

şa (2) : coordinative conjunction

mitik : indefinite pronoun miti (somebody, anybody) : ergative

ko- : affirmation profix

mz*ira-na(3) : z*iroms (see)(4) : if he see me

(1) psams (PZ) ~ psums (AŞ)(FN) ~ psims (AH)(HP) ~ psips (HP)(ÇX) (→

(2) (→ 7.3.)

(3) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(4) z*irems (PZ), z*irams (AŞ)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Followed by zop’ons (say) or u3’umers (tell to somebody)

(A) Ma[1] oxorca-çkimiz A gyai domixazi(r)i” ma[2] bu3’vare. (FN)(AH)

I shall tell to my wife, “Prepare me a meal.”

oxorca : woman; wife

-çkimi : personal pronoun ma (I, me) in genitive case

-z : dative case merker

a : variant of ar (one)

gyai : bread; meal

do- : affirmation profix

mixaziri (1) : uxazirams (prepare for somebody) : prepare me

bu3’vare (1) : u3’umers (tell to somebody) : I shall tell him

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(B) Berez “Oxorişa komoxti” ma bu3’vi şkule gu(r)i muxtu. (FN)

After I told to the child, “Come home”, he (= the child) got angry.

berez : bere (child) : dative

oxorişa : oxori (house, home) : directive

ko- : affirmation profix

moxti : mulun (come) : imperative 2. sg.

ma : quotation particle

bu3’vi (1) : u3’umers (tell to somebody) : I told him

şkule : subordinative conjunction (after)

gu(r)i muxtu (1): verbal phrase guri mulun (get angry) : he got angry

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Followed by do + other verbs saying, telling

(A) Çku “Hako moxtit” ma do mteliz bucoxit. (FN)(AH)

We called everybody by saying, “Come here”.

çku : personal pronoun (we, us)

hako : adverb of place and orientation (here)

moxtit : mulun (come) : imperative plural

ma : quotation particle

do : coordinative conjunction

mteliz : mtel(i)(all) : nominal use, dative

bucoxit (1) : ucoxams (call somebody) : we called him (her, them)

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(B) “Var ipelen” ma do p’t’axat’t’i şa “dixma(r)inen” ma do mebaşkvi. (FN)

I should break it saying, “It is not useful.”

But I left it saying, “It can be used.”

var ipelen : ipelen (be useful) : imperfective present tense 3. sg. negative

p’t’axat’t’i : t’axums (break) : future in the past (1) 1. pl.

şa (*) : coordinative conjunction

d- : affirmation profix do- ~ d- (before vowel)

ixmarinen : oxmarams (use) : impersonal mood present tense

mebaşkvi : naşkumers (leave) : simple perfective 1. sg.

(1) In the dialects of the zone Arhavi-Hopa-Çxala, the “future in the past” is expressed by another form (→ 13.).

(*)(→ 7.3.)


8.1.2. şo

The quotation particle şo expresses an order or a wish that are addressed to the 2nd or 3rd persons (***1).

It is always followed by the verbs it’urs (West) ~ zop’ons (Centre) ~ tkumers (East) (say) or u3’umers (tell to somebody) in imperative mood, optative mood or future tense (***2).

(***1) ●●● According to the “Altered document” (p. 334) şo should be « an affix which is used in order to quote speech belonging to the 2nd person. » The explanation is trebly in fault.

● The speech followed by şo belongs to the first person

● who wishes that it will be said by the second or third persons.

● And it is not an affix but a word.

(***2) ●●● Ibidem: The verbs followıng şo are « in imperatif mood or in future tense. » The explication is insufficient.

● The verbs following şo may be also in optative mood.


(A) “Baba-şk’imi noğaşa idu” şo t’k’vi. (ÇM)(AŞ)

Say, “My father went to the shopping street.”

baba : (father, daddy )

şk’imi : (my)

noğaşa : noğa (shopping street) : ambidirective

idu : ulun (go) : simple perfective 3. sg.

t’k’vi : it’urs (say)(1) : imperative sg.

(1) The variant it’us is observed very frequently.


(B) “Şk’u Lazi boret” şo t’k’vaten. (AŞ)

You shall say, “We are Laz.”

şk’u : (we, us)

boret : copula on : imperfective present tense 1. pl.

t’k’vaten : it’urs (say) : future tense 2. pl.

(C) “Komoxti” şo mi3’vas. (CentreEast)

I wish he (she) tells me, “Come.” 

ko- : affirmation profix

moxti : mulun (come) : imperative sg.

mi3’vas (1) : u3’umers (tell to somebody) : I wish he (she) tells me

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(D) Berepe-çkunik “Baba-çkuni moxtasen” şo tkvan.(FN)

I wish that our chidren say, “Our father is coming.”

berepe : bere (child) : plural

çkuni : (our)

-k : ergative case marker

moxtasen : mulun (come) : future tense 3. sg. 

tkvan : zop’ons (say) : perfective optative 3. pl.


8.1.3. ya  

The particle ya is observed after quotation in all cases where the use of particles ma[2] and şo is not justified (*).

The quotation particle ya has three kinds of use :

[1] alone after quotation ;

[2] followed by the verbs it’urs (West) ~ zop’ons (Centre) ~ tkumers (East) (say)

or u3’umers (tell to somebody);

[3] followed by the conjunction do + other verbs.

(*) ●●● According to the “Altered document” (p. 335), « the affix ya is used in order to quote speech belonging to the 2nd and 3rd persons.»

In the dialects of Çamlıhemşin-Artdeşen where the particle ma[2] does not exist, the particle ya is used also in order to quote speech belonging to the first person.

Ya is not an affix, but a word.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alone after quotation I said, you said, he said etc

Memetik “3’k’ar maominu” ya. (AH) Memet said, “I am thirsty.”

3’k’ar : water

maominu : maominen (be thirsty) (*) : simple perfective 1. sg.

(*) This is an “evolutive state verb”(→ 11.0., 12.5., 13.5.). The simple perfective form of this kind of verbs expresses the present state.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Followed by the verbs it’urs (West) ~ zop’ons (Centre) ~ tkumers (East) (say)

or u3’umers (tell to somebody)

(A) Eminek “Ar tutaşa vikomocare” ya t’k’u. (PZ)

Emine said, “I shall get married within one month.” 

ar : (one)

tutaşa : tuta (moon, month) + postposition -şa (within)

vikomocare : ikomocen (take husband) (*) : future tense 1. sg.

t’k’u : it’urs (say) : simple perfective 3. sg.

(*) cf komoci (husband) (West + FN)

komoli (husband) (AH)

kimoli (husband) (East)

(B) Eminek “Ar tuta şakiz gamabitxvare” ya t’k’u. (AH)

Emine said, “I shall get married within one month.”

gamabitxvare : gamitxven (take husband) : future tense 1. sg.

(C) Ma si “Hak ela” ya gi3’vi. (West)

I told you, “Come here.”

hak : adverb of place and orientation (here)

ela (1) : mulun (come) : imperative sg.

gi3’vi (2) : u3’umers (tell to somebody) : I told you

(1) The same word (= homophonous synonym) is observed in Bulgarian and in Greek. In all three languages, ela is an irregular form appearing in imperative mood of the verb “come”.

Ela and the plural form elat are used only in western dialects.

Another form of impeative mood of the same verb moxt’i ~ moxti (and, with affirmation profix, komoxt’i ~ komoxti) is observed in all Laz dialects including western dialects.

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(D) Padişahik “Ma dobğura şkule si çkimi t’axtiz gelaxedare” ya zop’ont’u. (AH)

Sultan used to say, “After I shall have died, you shall sit in my throne.” 

padişah(i) : sultan < Turkish padişah < Persian pâdishâh

do- : affirmation profix

bğura : ğurun (die) : perfective optative 1. sg.

şkule : subordinative conjunction (after)

t’axti : throne < Turkish taht < Persian

gelaxedare : gelaxedun (sit down in a determined place ) : future tense 2. sg.

zop’ont’u : zop’ons (say) : imperfective past tense 3. sg.

(→ 8.2.1.)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Followed by the conjunction do + other verbs

Oyi, sevda, oyi, gokomocaman.

Şk’imi sevda başk’as muç’e meçaman ?

Vorsi sfa on” ya do mogip’icaman.

Sk’ani vore, sk’ani. Govaxelare.

Ah, my love, ah, they marry you

How do they give my love to another [man than me]

Saying, “It is a good place”, they trick you 

I am yours. I shall hug her. (*)

oyi : interjection expressing pain, grief, affliction

sevda : love < Turkish sevda < Arabic

gokomocaman (1): okomocams (make take husband) : they make you take husband

şk’imi : personal pronoun in genitive case (my)

başk’a : adjectif (other) : nominal use < Tukishc başka

muç’e : interrogative adverb (how)

meçaman (1) : meçams (give) : they give you to somebody

vorsi : adjective (good)

sfa ~ sva : (place)

mogip’icaman (1): moyp’icams (humor ; trick) : they trick you to do something

sk’ani : personal pronoun in genitive case (your)

vore : copula on : imperfective present tense 1. sg.

govaxelare (1) : gvaxelams (embrace, hug) : I shall hug her

(1) Bipersonal form. See the chapters of verbs (→ 11. ~).

(*) “I shall hug her” and not “I shall hug you”. Distance and resignation are thus expressed.


8.2. Anteposed quotation particle

The anteposed quotation particle ki is a loan word (< Turkish ki < Persian ki). In spite of its frequent use, a certain number of Laz do not admit it as a Laz word.

After quotation, introduced by the particle ki, a postposed quotation particle is observed very frequently. May we consider this phenomenon as a circumposed quotation phrase ?


8.2.1. ki

Padişahik zop’ont’u ki “Ma dobğura şkule si çkimi t’axtiz gelaxedare” ya. (AH)

Sultan used to say, “After I shall have died, you shall sit in my throne.” 
